We Set the Standard for Roofing Companies in the Lakeland, TN, Area

Searching among different roofing companies to find one that you can trust may seem like a daunting task, but if you live in Lakeland, Tennessee, the choice is simple: just turn to ContractingPRO. We are a home improvement company that has been providing top-of-the-line products, expert installations, and five-star customer service for many years. We’ve earned a prestigious reputation for our commitment to excellence, and would be happy to show you firsthand why so many of our satisfied customers turn to us time and again for all of their home improvement needs
Roofs by Owens Corning
Our most popular roofing system among local homeowners is our asphalt shingle roof, which is manufactured by industry leader Owens Corning. These roofs are designed with components that help them outperform other roofs, including:
- SureNail Technology, which is a unique fabric strip in the nailing area that provides outstanding gripping power for your shingles and prevents blow-off
- StreakGuard Algae Resistance Protection, which helps prevent the growth of unsightly blue-green algae and black streaks
- TruDefinition, which is a color design platform that gives your shingles dramatic shades for extra dimension and an exceptionally beautiful look
Furthermore, unlike other local roofing companies, we are an Owens Corning Platinum Certified roofing contractor, which means we will provide you with an expert installation and an unbeatable 25-year labor warranty and 50-year warranty on materials for your peace of mind.
Contact ContractingPRO today to learn more about our asphalt shingles and why we stand apart from other roofing companies in the Lakeland, TN, area.